Our Farm Labor Housing program is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor as
" Lead Agency " for the Southeast Housing Consortium. As lead Agency, we monitor funds and provide assistance to agencies in Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi and Virginia.
We also provide technical assistance and training to non-profit housing corporations and units of local government to develop, own and manage housing for farm workers. We assist agencies in leveraging other sources of funds ( e.g., HOME, SHIP, CDBG ) to lower the mortgage from the primary lender, Rural Housing Services.
With our assistance, agencies have leveraged more than $133,000,000 for nearly 3,000 rental housing units for farm workers in the southeast.
Florida Non-Profit Housing (FNPH) serves as an agent for the Department of Labor's Temporary & Emergency Housing Assistance Program. This statewide program helps migrant and seasonal farm workers with rent and utilities payments.
Funds are limited and are awarded on a first-come,
first-served basis.
If you need assistance,
please contact our office for an appointment.
Phone Number
Farm Worker Owned Home
Farm Worker Villa -246 Units. Florida City, Fl.
Farm Worker Owned Homes Homes in Partnership
William Hughes Apartments 34 Farm Labor Units Delmarva Rural Ministries NCALL
Elizabeth Landing 16 migrant units Delmarva Rural Ministries NCALL
Hope Villas- HCHA 52 Farmlabor Units-Sebring Fl. Florida Non-Profit Housing
Farmworker Assistance / Asistencia a Trabajadores Agrícolas
Florida Non-Profit Housing, Inc. provides financial assistance to farmworkers up to $1000 for:
Florida Non-Profit Housing, Inc. proporciona asistencia financeiera a trabajadores agricolas de hasta $1000 para:
Rental Payments/ Pagos de renta
Mortgage payments/ Pagos de hipoteca
Move-in expenses (Utility deposits)/ Gastos de mudanza (depósitos de servicios públicos)
Qualifications'/ Qualificaciones
Must be an eligible seasonal farmworker/
Debe ser un trabajordor agrícola elgible de temporada
Must have a legal status in the US/
Debe tener un estatus legal en los US
Must have worked in farmworker for 12 consecutive months out of the last 24 months/