Florida Non-Profit Housing, Inc.'s mission is to ensure the availability of decent. safe. and affordable housing for low to moderate income families and farmworkers in rural areas.
We do this by providing technical assistance, education, training, and related affordable housing development and preservations services.
Florida Non-Profit Housing, Inc.'s vision is to multiply our efforts, through more housing providers assisting individuals and families to acquire a part of the "American Dream" of having their own home.
Caring Attitudes: As a part of this caring attitude, we will educate, train, refer, direct, and inform organizations, consumers, and their families to service provider who will assist them in securing housing information and assistance.
Responsiveness: We will network with ethical resourced, referrals, and other providers who will find solutions that meet the needs of clients in a timely manner.
Diversity: We will partner with myriad resources and providers who are subject- matter experts and knowledgeable in a variety of housing programs and issues.
Integrity and Accountability: We will reflect the highest level of integrity in its administrative services and outreach activities as we tie these activities directly to our mission. We will maintain and report our records accurately.
Partnerships: We will work with a wide variety of partners, stakeholders, and advocates.
Advocacy: We will educate the public, partners, stakeholders, and advocates who have expressed an interest in assisting individuals and their families.
Financial Stability: We believe that our work will be needed for many years into the future. Therefore, we will strive to deliver on our mission with thoughtful strategic choices that ensure we have sufficient financial resources.
FNPH's service offerings are designed to address the performance of the organizations we serve. We understand the demands and limitations of income based housing providers. We strive to enhance the effectiveness of our clients through training and technical assistance.
These are some of the services we provide:
Present objective evaluations of existing operating systems and training needs.
Provide training and management assistance to potential, new and existing grantees.
Administer training for boards of directors.
Assist agencies in packaging applications to various funding sources.
Review and analyze proposal feasibility.
Assist grantees in creating housing development plans, construction schedules, financial management systems and sound ethical business practices.
Coordinate planning, development and delivery of workshops and conferences;
Develop publications and statistical reports.

South East